LOVE to ALL.......and Welcome to the online home of Aquarius Spirit.
There is no such thing as a non magical or mundane being. We are each VIBRANT, SENSUOUS, DYNAMIC spirit beings of
Divine Magic......Aquarius Spirit celebrates this understanding as a quest, a TRAVELING SHOW, a MYTHIC KARNIVALE midway between real and SURREAL. A place of adventures,of MYSTIC THEATRE and EXPLORATION of ANCIENT MYSTERY. A place of true magic.................Just as a journey through the physical setting of KARNIVALE, this virtual version offers experiences every step of the way. You will find a treasure trove of Vibrational Crystals, Mystic Jewelery, Amazing Pendulums, Tarot, Runes, Charms and Amulets, Inscence and Oils of Exotic Lands and Sacred Traditions. Angels,Wizards, Faries, Dragons and all manner of Magical Beings have been known to dwell here. Also find an Arcanum of Esoterica in the modern form of hundreds of ebooks for instant manifestation.............. Freely extend your journey through the portals offered here to our Blog( passage is offered under useful links), and our Facebook page : Facebook/ AquariusSpirit.Com. Page................... All experiences are offered as keys to unlock the doors of consciousness and explore hidden realms. Be they SACRED, PROFANE, or just plain FUN, they are all part of the WONDROUS YOU* NIVERSE of INFINITE POSSIBILITY. Be the MYSTERY..........Be the MAGIC............Be the ARTISTRY.............